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Opening Shots......

Well, that's that over and done with...'Opening Shots' as in various injections required in preparation for the forthcoming trip. The relief of having the final two was immense.....those of you who are also scared of needles will understand. I have surprised myself this time though and not fainted once!

As some of you already know, part of our trip involves Central and South America hence the injections. A total of 10, (thankfully a couple were combined) at a cost of £347.50 per person ish. I say that because 'lucky me, got a discount', Chris is having to pay slightly more, something to do with a change in NHS prices part way through the course.

Some of the injections were advisory and some essential but if you're a massive animal lover like me....and you know you're going to touch....the Rabies shots are a must.

So what did you have I hear some of you goes;

Hep A, Typhoid, Tetanus, Yellow Fever, 3 x Hep B and 3 x Rabies.

For those of you who are interested in the planning stages of trips like this and the finance of such an undertaking, keep a look out on the website for Excel Expenditure Sheets.....Blimey....that sounds very official.....Amateur Accountancy is probably a better description but for us it's all going to be part of the fun, logging photos, videos, blogs and budgeting.

To those of you who know us well and a all new viewers, if you're planning on checking out the photos, remember to make a brew and have a packet of biscuits to hand........we always take soooo many!!!

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