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Well since Monday and the fantastic sight of the wolf, we have spent three days riding round Yellowstone. What a great place this is....we've seen buffalo, ospreys, canyons, waterfalls, bubbling pools, steaming sulphur, elk, deer running in front of us, lakes....we've walked up and down 600ft at a time to viewing platforms..... and what else ...oh yes....we went to see 'Old Faithful'.....that's pretty's been fab but tiring....think we've been in bed before 21.00 every night. If you've never been's so worth it.

Oh and I nearly forgot.........I saw a man with a hoof !!!!!!!'s rude to stare but I'd never seen anything like it......he had a false leg....I think......or he was just missing his foot....and in it's place......a a horse hoof not a cow........I wanted to ask him about it....but do you go about starting that conversation ????...........the wicked side in my head kept chucking things at me like 'who was his I mean Doctor and was he 'well-shod' .... Chris wanted to ask' if he was from Narnia'............shocking.......but a man with a hoof.......unreal and fair play to the guy he was still getting about....good luck to him.

Today it's Thursday 17th August and as well as riding in the park we also visited a Bear and Wolf Discovery Center at West Yellowstone near where we are staying. This is a place where rescued and orphaned bears, wolves and birds of prey can be seen and educational talks etc are given.....a non - profit center totally dedicated to their animals.

Anyways ..... look it's our bedtime.....I took advantage of actually having a connection and it's now 20.55 here. We're getting up early tomorrow......sun is forecast and I have another chance to ride Bear Tooth Pass as we have to ride back on ourselves over 200 miles plus .....there's a reason for that......tell you next time....Night....y'all xx

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