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Cueva De Las Serpientes Colgantes.....

....or Cave of the hanging snakes.......sounds like I've missed a bit ........I left you with us going to Cancun......I've jumped a little because we only went up to Cancun to get a couple of things done on the know....oil, brakes sort of stuff....just stayed a few days and had a quick look round....but this our next experience was just incredible.

We left Cancun and rode to the tiny village of Kantemo, Mexico. I'd arranged to meet our guide at their HQ as we'd be staying in one of their cabinas for a few days.

Sure enough he came down to meet us and we followed him back up a dirt road to our lodgings. The cabina was lovely.....only small but with a comfy bed and bathroom. We already knew there was no food up here so we'd brought our own........a bit like camping but without the tent. After walking round and taking in our surroundings.....we were the only ones up here....there were a few more cabins but this adventure is slightly off the tourist radar so it doesn't get too busy. Dusk came quickly ....just a few bats about....Chris got the stove out to make tea....omelette with mushrooms and onion....easy.

So that was the first day we bumbled about.....being quite lazy really....we were waiting to go back into the village with Edgar our guide to meet his brother Adrian. Together they were taking us to the Cave of Snakes....woo hoo...

This tiny expedition involved us meeting at the HQ in the village and collecting some push bikes.....cycling into the jungle for about ten minutes, getting off and walking a short distance and then standing at the mouth of the's dusk......all you can hear is the sounds of the jungle....Adrian and Edgar quietly explain about the cave and the bats and then they start.....slowly at first.....then more and more...pouring out of the mouth of the're so close you can hear their wings flapping....brilliant....

That's not all.....then you go into the cave....seriously.....oh yes.......more bats ....flying past your face...brushing the top of your small peeps can practically walk in, Chris had to stoop or crouch more. Inside the cavern opens up......think that's it.....oh no.....then you more or less go potholing of a fashion...climbling over rocks and crawling on all fours...almost lying down sometimes.......and then guided by Edgar and Adrian as the crawl space opens out a bit..... you see it......a snake....hanging from the cave ceiling.....with a bat in it's mouth.....amazing....

You are so close to the snake's just incredible.....Edgar continues to find more snakes for you to see and then you backtrack and wriggle around the narrow gaps to return to the main chamber and see the tiny shrimps and fish living, evolving in the cave before checking out fossils in the cave walls.

All that's left now is to walk back to the bikes...head torches on and cycle out of the jungle and back to the village.

Check out our experience below and keep a look out on the website for a more detailed review.

This is one of the most amazing experiences we've ever had and I think Kantemo is one of the only places in the World where you can do this.

Thank you Adrian and Edgar.......Unforgettable !!!!!!!!!

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